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Welcome to Bloomeer Online Exclusive Shopping Store!

Terms of Use

These terms of use ("Terms") apply when you create an account, make purchases on our site, or access websites, apps, benefits, and other services ("Services") offered by Bloomeer and our group companies ("Bloomeer"). Using our services is free, unless otherwise specified.

We recommend that you read these terms carefully, as they govern your use of our services and your purchases. For more information about your rights when ordering from our site, please refer to our standard terms and conditions. To understand how we collect and process your personal data, please read our Privacy Policy. For any questions, our customer service team is available to assist you.

We reserve the right to terminate this agreement in case of a breach of the terms or with a 4-month notice. You can cancel this agreement at any time by requesting the deletion of your account.

Accessing and Using Bloomeer Services

At Bloomeer, we are committed to creating unique and personalized fashion experiences for you. To do this, we develop and offer tailored features and services, using the information you provide to better understand your needs and interests. This allows us to offer you more relevant and personalized content, such as product recommendations. Personalization is a fundamental part of our service. For more details on how we use your account data to offer personalized services, please refer to our Privacy Policy.

To create an account, make purchases, or access our services, you must:

  • Be at least 16 years old.
  • Provide truthful information about yourself and not use third-party data without their consent.
  • Use our services only for personal, non-commercial purposes.
  • Have only one customer account with Bloomeer; we reserve the right to delete multiple accounts.
  • Not misuse our sites, apps, or services by introducing viruses, trojans, worms, logic bombs, or other harmful materials. You may not use automated systems, scripts, or third-party services to create accounts, make purchases, or browse our sites. You may not download, install, or use software provided by Bloomeer for purposes other than those intended, such as developing tools to circumvent restrictions imposed on account usage.

These terms are designed to ensure a safe and personalized experience on Bloomeer. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact our customer service team.