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Welcome to Bloomeer Online Exclusive Shopping Store!

Payments and Security

At Bloomeer.com, you have the option to choose from various secure and reliable payment methods to complete your order.

Credit Card 

When making a purchase, you can enter your credit card details into our secure electronic payment gateway provided by Stripe. This service is certified by a PCI-certified auditor and holds the PCI Service Provider Level 1 certification. We accept the following cards: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, JCB, Visa Electron, rechargeable credit cards, and Maestro debit cards. For further details, please visit www.stripe.com.

Credit Card Security 

All transactions are processed on secure servers to ensure the utmost protection of your data. Our Customer Service is not authorized to request or accept credit card numbers or validity details. For enhanced security, we recommend enrolling in Verified By Visa or Mastercard Securecode services, which require a security PIN for online purchases. Additional information is available at www.visa.com and www.mastercard.com.

Credit Card Charges 

If you have sufficient funds on your credit card and provide valid banking details, the transaction will be processed instantly. 

New Customers 

For new customers, we may need to verify the transaction through an independent third-party provider. This verification might result in minor delays in the shipment of your order. Please note that we will ship the order only to the billing address.